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Inspection of internal value representations and the object graph

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Inspect is a small library to inspect arbitrary OCaml values and their associated object graph by either dumping them as S-expressions (with sharing and references), or by writing output in the DOT-language which can then be further processed by Graphviz. Inspect provides a window into the OCaml runtime system, a view behind the curtains, usable from the toplevel as well.

Kaspar M. Rohrer ( is the original author and currently also the maintainer of this library.


If you have OPAM installed, you should be able to simply do

opam install inspect

If that should not be the case, either download an apropriate source archive form the project homepage and unzip or untar in any directory, or clone the git repository, then run


to generate the library and documentation. To install the library using findlib, simply type

make install

And to uninstall it

make uninstall

For development, you may instead run

sudo ln -s `pwd` `ocamlfind printconf path`/inspect


Note: The source-code documentation is available online, as well.

If you have findlib installed, using the library is as simple as typing

#use "topfind";;
#require "inspect";;

into your OCaml prompt. I suggest you open the Inspect module as well.

open Inspect;;

For starters, both the Dot and the Sexpr library provide a test_data function to generate some interesting data to dump.

Sexpr.dump (Sexpr.test_data ());;
Dot.dump (Dot.test_data ());;

It is possible to let the dump functions inspect themselves but I'm less and less sure that this is a good idea, as there's a lot of mutation going on behind closed doors, which might confuse the current object graph walker.

If you are on a Mac, the Inspect.Dot.dump_osx function should be of interest. It writes the DOT output to a temporary file, uses Graphviz to generate the graph, and displays the results using the open command.

Dot.dump_osx Dot.dump_osx;;

It goes without saying that you should have Graphviz installed for this last part to work.

Representation of OCaml Values

OCaml values all share a common low-level representation. In contrast to dynamically typed languages, it is usually not possible to infer the type of a value from the low-level representation, because several distinct OCaml types can share the same representation. This is not really an issue, because OCaml is statically typed after all. So except for some trickery with Obj.magic, it is simply not possible to apply a function to a value of the wrong type.

The Value Type

The basic building block that is used by the runtime-system (which is written in the C programming language) to represent any value in the OCaml universe is the value type. Values are always word-sized. A word is either 32 or 64 bits wide, depending on the architecture (see Sys.word_size).

A value can either be a pointer to a block of values in the OCaml heap, a pointer to an object outside of the heap, or an unboxed integer. Naturally, blocks in the heap are garbage-collected.

To distinguish between unboxed integers and pointers, the system uses the least-significant bit of the value as a flag. If the LSB is set, the value is unboxed. If the LSB is cleared, the value is a pointer to some other region of memory. This encoding also explains why the int type in OCaml is only 31 bits wide (63 bits wide on 64 bit platforms).

Because blocks in the heap are garbage-collected, they have strict structure constraints. Information like the tag of a block and its size (in words) is encoded in the header of each block.

There are two categories of blocks with respect to the garbage collector:

Structured blocks have tag values lower than Obj.no_scan_tag, while raw blocks have tags equal or greater than Obj.no_scan_tag.

Heap Blocks

The chapter on Interfacing C with Objective Caml in the OCaml manual describes the following types of blocks. The type of a block is its tag, which is stored in the block header. (see Obj.tag).

There are a few more structured block types which are not directly described in the manual.


This section is only a summary of the most important things. The chapter on Interfacing C with Objective Caml in the OCaml manual gives a much better explanation over the translation of OCaml types to their actual representation.

If in doubt, dump it out.



This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA