Module Dot

module Dot: sig .. end
Dumping arbitrary values in the Graphviz DOT language

Context objects are used to configure the dumping process. A sensible default_context is already provided.

If you are on OS X and have Graphviz installed, you can try the Inspect.Dot.dump_osx function to dump directly to a temporary PDF file, which will then be opened in Preview.

type context 
The context is used to configure the dumping process
type follow = src:Obj.t -> field:int -> dst:Obj.t -> bool 
Edge filter predicate
val default_context : context
Context with sensible default values, used as the default argument for the dump function family.
val make_context : ?max_fields:int -> ?follow:follow -> unit -> context
Create a custom context. max_fields controls how many fields should be expanded for block nodes.
val dump : ?context:context -> 'a -> unit
Dump to stdout
val dump_to_file : ?context:context -> string -> 'a -> unit
Dump directly to a file. The file will be overwritten if it already exists.
val dump_with_formatter : ?context:context -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
Dump using the Format module for pretty printing.
val dump_osx : ?context:context -> ?cmd:string -> ?format:string -> 'a -> unit
dump_osx ?context ?cmd ?format o dumps the value o to a temporary file, runs the Graphviz program given by cmd on it to generate output as specified by format, and then opens the generated output with the open command. The default output format is "pdf".

E.g. Inspect.Dot.dump_osx ~cmd:"neato" (Inspect.test_data ())

This function will block while the graph is being generated.

val test_data : unit -> Obj.t
Generate test data to inspect