Module Sexpr

module Sexpr: sig .. end
Dumping arbitrary values as S-expression

Context objects are used to configure the dumping process. A sensible default_context is already provided.

type context 
The context is used to configure the dumping process
val default_context : context
Context with sensible default values, used as the default argument for the dump function family.
val make_context : ?nesting:int -> unit -> context
Create a custom context. nesting is how deep the printer recurses before printing
val dump : ?context:context -> 'a -> unit
Dump to stdout
val dump_to_file : ?context:context -> string -> 'a -> unit
Dump directly to a file. The file will be overwritten if it already exists.
val dump_with_formatter : ?context:context -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
Dump using the Format module for pretty printing.
val test_data : unit -> Obj.t