(|>>) [Aux] |
Pipeline operator (apply function to previous result)
A | |
abbrev [Value] |
Abbreviated, readable description of a value
all [Value.TagSet] |
All tags in a set
B | |
bits [Value] |
Return the raw bits of a value
bits_to_string [Value] |
Return a string describing the low-level bit pattern of a
C | |
custom_has_compare [Value] |
Supports comparison?
custom_has_deserialize [Value] |
Supports deserialization?
custom_has_finalize [Value] |
Supports finalization?
custom_has_hash [Value] |
Supports hashing?
custom_has_serialize [Value] |
Supports serialization?
custom_identifier [Value] |
Returns the identifier of the custom block
custom_is_int [Value] |
Is the custom value a
int32 , int64 or nativeint ?
custom_ops_info [Value] |
Info about the available operations (finalize / compare / hash
/ serialize / deserialize), which the custom block provides.
custom_value [Value] | |
D | |
default_context [Sexpr] |
Context with sensible default values, used as the default
argument for the
dump function family.
default_context [Dot] |
Context with sensible default values, used as the default
argument for the
dump function family.
description [Value] |
Readable description of a value
dump [Sexpr] |
Dump to
dump [Dot] |
Dump to
dump_osx [Dot] | dump_osx ?context ?cmd ?format o dumps the value o to a
temporary file, runs the Graphviz program given by cmd on it
to generate output as specified by format , and then opens
the generated output with the open command.
dump_to_file [Sexpr] |
Dump directly to a file.
dump_to_file [Dot] |
Dump directly to a file.
dump_with_formatter [Sexpr] |
Dump using the
Format module for pretty printing.
dump_with_formatter [Dot] |
Dump using the
Format module for pretty printing.
E | |
equal [Value] |
Equality predicate (physical equality only!)
H | |
hash [Value] |
Hashing function (used
heap_words [Value] |
Number of words that the value occupies on the heap (without
the block header).
I | |
is_in_heap [Value] | Int , Out_of_heap and Unaligned are out.
M | |
make_context [Sexpr] |
Create a custom context.
make_context [Dot] |
Create a custom context.
mnemonic [Value] |
Mnemonic or identifier for a value
mnemonic_unknown [Value] |
Mnemonic for an unknown/abstract value,
O | |
of_list [Value.TagSet] |
Conversion from list to set
T | |
tag [Value] |
Tag type of a value
test_data [Sexpr] | |
test_data [Dot] |
Generate test data to inspect
W | |
with_buffer [Aux] | with_buffer size writer creates a new Buffer.t with space
for at least size characters.
with_file_out_channel [Aux] | with_file_out_channel path writer tries to open a new
out_channel for writing to the file at path .